How Often Should a 70-Year-Old Exercise?

How Often Should a 70-Year-Old Exercise?

GR8FLEX Workout For Senior

How Often Should a 70-Year-Old  Exercise?


Age is more than just a number; it's a testament to the journey, experiences, and lessons life has offered. As we step into the golden era of our lives, staying physically active becomes paramount not just for our bodies, but for our minds and spirits too. The big question for many hitting their 70s is, "How often should I exercise, and what's the best way to do it?"

The Golden Standard for Seniors

For seniors, the World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes a routine of at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise every week. In simple terms, this is roughly 20-30 minutes daily. On top of this, muscle-strengthening activities involving major muscle groups should be incorporated on two or more days a week.


Unpacking the Importance of Exercise for Seniors

  1. Maintaining Muscle Mass: It's a biological fact that as we age, we naturally lose muscle mass. But this isn't a hard and fast rule. With regular resistance and strength training, seniors can combat this decline, ensuring they maintain strength, agility, and overall functional fitness.
  1. Bone Health: Osteoporosis and bone fragility become concerns as we age. But did you know that weight-bearing exercises can combat bone density loss? Simple activities, even walking or light weightlifting, can make a significant difference.
  1. Mental Well-being: Exercise is synonymous with endorphin release. These 'happy hormones' play an integral role in mood regulation, combating symptoms of depression, anxiety, and even dementia. For a senior, this isn't just about mental health; it's about maintaining a vibrant, active social life and ensuring cognitive functions remain sharp.
  1. Chronic Disease Prevention: Diseases like diabetes, heart ailments, and arthritis can become pronounced with age. But with regular physical activity, these can either be managed more efficiently, or their onset can be significantly delayed.



GR8FLEX Workout For Seniors


Home Gyms: A Blessing in Disguise

While community gyms offer camaraderie and a range of equipment, they aren't the only solution. In fact, for many seniors, setting up a home gym can be a revolutionary step.

  1. Consistency is Key: The proximity and convenience of a home gym can eliminate many barriers to exercise. Rain, transport, or even sheer lethargy can often make gym visits irregular. With a home setup, these are non-issues.
  1. Safety & Customization: Personalized spaces offer the freedom to choose equipment tailored to individual needs. Additionally, the familiarity of the environment means a safer and more comfortable workout experience.
  1. Flexibility: With no tied-down gym hours, seniors can choose to work out at a time that suits their body clock, ensuring they get the most out of their exercise regimen.

Tackling Chronic Diseases with Regular Workouts

Consistent workouts, be it at a community gym or at home, play a pivotal role in chronic disease prevention. The benefits aren't just physical; they transcend into mental and emotional wellness.


- Immunity Boost: Exercise aids in increasing the body's white blood cell count, which plays a crucial role in fighting off infections and diseases.

- Heart Health: Cardiovascular exercises, even simple ones like brisk walking, have profound benefits on heart health. They aid in blood circulation, reduce bad cholesterol, and keep blood pressure in check.

- Improved Insulin Sensitivity: Regular workouts can significantly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by improving the body's insulin sensitivity. 


Ageing is inevitable, but how we age is significantly within our control. For those in their 70s and beyond, incorporating exercise into daily routines is not just a lifestyle choice; it's a commitment to enhancing the quality of life. With options ranging from traditional gyms to home workouts, there's a world of flexibility out there. Remember, every step taken, every weight lifted, and every yoga pose held contributes to a brighter, healthier, and more vibrant golden age.

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